2008年4月20日 星期日



Dalai Lama, you and your government have been accusing Chinese of killing1 million Tibetans in 1959 for at least twenty years (I heard this when I was in China twenty year ago from an American after he visited Lhasa. He told me that he learnt this from a monk, that many Tibetan knew about this, and that they hate ethnic Han Chinese for this. Who wouldn’t!!! I was shocked to learn that the source of this lie is you, His Holiness, after I came to America.). Could you name even One Western Tibetan scholar who backs you on this? Is it true that in 1953 while Tibet was still under your rule, the census showed that the population in Tibet was only about 1.2million? How could several thousand troops kill so many people without leaving any mass grave or other evidence? Where do today’s 2.4 million plus ethnic Tibetan in Tibet alone come from after just 40+ years, while the whole Chinese population barely doubled during this period?

Dalai Lama, could you give any credible evidence that culture genocide is happening in Tibet? How come many western scholars claim that this is all nonsense? Why do the schools in your exile community in India teach in English while you are accusing Chinese government of culture genocide for teaching Chinese in the higher primary grades in Tibet? What is your intention for making such false and outrageous claim?

Dalai Lama, when you made above false claims, used your means as head of exile government and influence of your position as Buddhism God-King over ordinary religious Tibetans to make them believe these lies, what do you expect Tibetans to feel? HATRED! Right? And you are still telling us that you have nothing to do with the riots and bloodshed, that you are for peace, compassion and freedom?

Dalai Lama, you told the Chinese community recently that Tibetan and Han Chinese are one family. How could we believe you while you have kept telling those outrageous lies to Tibetans and the world, and make people hate us? How could we ever trust you and respect you again?

Dalai Lama, for the past twenty years, you have made people in the West, and even some Chinese believe that old Tibet under your rule was a Shangri-La, a lost Paradise. How come many leading American Tibetan historians have judged that old Tibet under your rule was strikingly similar to medieval Europe, a brutal “retrograde repressive theocracy of extreme privilege and poverty” with 95% of population as slaves and serfs, that torture and mutilation--including the gouging out of eyes, the pulling out of tongues, hamstringing, and amputation--were favored punishments? Why? Why? Why? Do you really love the old Tibet that much? Do you really believe that majority of today's ethnic Tibetans, many of them were serfs and slaves 49 years ago, most of them were sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters of serfs and slave, would agree with you on this? Do they know your opinions about the past? Do you believe that your people would forget their history this easily? Don't you think that what you told to the world about the old Tibet is an insult to your own people?

Dalai Lama, as a Nobel Peace laureate, why do you refuse to condemn the war in Iraq? What are the reasons you can think of to justify the killing of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi people? Dalai Lama, in Buddhism is lying a serious crime, and “forbidden to kill” not only means not to kill by oneself but also means not to allow or make other people to kill for oneself?

Dalai Lama, in 1996, why did you ban the veneration of Dorje Shugden (a.k.a Dholgyal), a respected deity worshiped by Tibetans for 300 years? Why were those in your community who did not pledge to stop their Dorje Shugden worshipping persecuted and forced to flee, their names and addresses publicly posted, their houses burned, their lives threatened, and the monk who spoke up got stabbed? What happened since then? Would you allow international human rights organization to investigate this?

(The documentary filmed by Swiss public TV in 1998 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5sOm-uQH9Y&feature=related
An open letter to Dalai Lama http://www.cesnur.org/testi/fr99/gkg2.htm http://www.himalmag.com/96sep/dorje.htm)


A debate based on academic researches on Tibetan issues(including human rights, sovereignty, “culture genocide”, etc.) between an Australian teacher and director of a British pro-tibet lobby organization. (highly recommend. Both debaters are very knowledgeable, intelligent, well educated, did their homework well, and gave out the source for their claims. Very entertaining too.) http://discussions.pbs.org/viewtopic.pbs?t=68073

Roles governments of US and European countries played in Tibetan riots and protests of Olympic game http://www.german-foreign-policy.com/en/fulltext/56145

Roles Dalai Lama’s government played in the riots, “culture genocide”, etc.: TIBET: TRUTH VS. MYTH By Barrry SAUTMAN, JD, LLM, PhD http://fray.slate.com/discuss/forums/thread/1062263.aspx?ArticleID=2187567

An appeal to Dalai Lama from a Buddhist. http://www.rfanews.org/tibbs/viewtopic.php?t=792 Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth http://www.michaelparenti.org/Tibet.html
(This essay was written by an anti-China scholar, but he is honest about old Tibet and dalai lama. He also listed academic and original source he used for this essay).
